fitt magazine
31 July 2024

FITT publishes its 4th Sustainability Report

Drafted following the guidelines and standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the report allows to assess FITT’s impact in terms of economic, social and environmental performance.

The images inspired by the genius of nature provide the backdrop for the reading of FITT’s sustainability report: flows and stakeholder engagement.

The document consists of eight chapters: in addition to the traditional opening and closing sections – the first chapter introduces the Group, the second outlines its sustainability strategy and the last one delves into the methods implemented and the validity of the data reported -, the central chapters discuss change management, the generation of innovation, the creation of low-impact flows, the sharing of internal energy and the positioning of the company within an ecosystem of relationships.

The discussions are made more interesting by interviews with the stakeholders who in 2023 have stood by FITT on various occasions: from the development of low-impact products to the organisation of events.

The daily challenge is to turn our drive towards sustainable innovation into reality. We are aware that the ecological transition and social inclusiveness path generates critical issues, but it also leads to opportunities for experimenting,” says Alessandro Mezzalira, CEO of FITT. “I thank my collaborators who every day navigate this continuous flow with me, and who manage to transform the highest and most turbulent waves into generative energy.”

Download FITT’s sustainability report

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