The sociality of water: connections that inspire change

FITT Echoes – vol. VI

The sociality of water: connections that inspire change

Being a certified B Corp means being the positive force that makes a virtuous impact on people, the environment and the land.

Making products that carry fluids, including water, means managing and preserving our planet’s most precious resource.

The sociality of water is a project that involved business – FITT and Claber -, school – ENGIM high school – and third sector – Il PomoDoro onlus – in the construction of an irrigation system and in guiding the appreciation and conscious use of water.

For FITT, INNOVATION is the engine of its doing business, the starting point that generates revolutionary solutions and approaches.

Therefore, we experimented with a new method of skill exchange and direct learning in the field for a nobler purpose: equipping the PomoDoro color garden with a modern irrigation system.

TRANSPARENCY is the criterion by which FITT investigates its impacts to communicate them to all stakeholders.

Positive impacts for all involved: people from FITT and Claber have dedicated skills and time to the project implementation. ENGIM school students put into practice the principles of irrigation and planting.

The social farm The PomoDoro can responsibly and automatically irrigate the color garden.

INTERDEPENDENCE is FITT’s ability to maximize positive community impact and promote responsible development through collaborations with all stakeholders.

With this project, we kicked off corporate volunteering and managed to bring together two of our target audiences: young people and people with disabilities.

We collaborated, we shared values and expertise, we combined theory and practice, and we networked.

Our partners for this project