This afternoon the eighth edition of the TOP 500 event will be taking place on the premises of the CUOA Business School of Altavilla Vicentina. TOP 500 is the special supplement of the Giornale di Vicenza (Vicenza daily) dedicated to companies based in the Vicenza area that excel in terms of turnover.
The University of Verona’s Department of Business Economics and the professional service network PwC were tasked with analysing the companies’ financial statements. It was a complex in-depth study which has enabled us to gain great insight into local enterprise.
The programme is made up of both formal sessions and informal opportunities for discussion. The Councillor for Education, Training, Employment and Equal Opportunity policies for the Veneto region Elena Donazzan will be speaking and a round table will also be held at which FITT’s CEO Alessandro Mezzalira will be taking part together with the Chairman of Cereal Docks, Mauro Fanin, and the Scientific Director for CUOA’s Business Section, Paolo Gubitta. The talks will be moderated by Marino Smiderle from the Giornale di Vicenza.