FITT Aeternum

Monolayer hose for non pressurised water flow.

Watering hose for hobby use.


Recommended for occasional use, for light watering applications, without fittings.

very flexible, with progressive metric marking, and resistance to temperatures between -20° and +60°C. Guaranteed 15 years

product available in transparent emerald green or transparent neutral colour

impact passport

is a Benefit Company

FITT meets high standards of positive environmental and social impact.

Technical data

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Technical data
Diameter in (mm) Hose length (m) Pieces per pallet EAN
13 100 24 8011963713151
13 100 24 8011963713236
15 100 24 8011963713168
15 100 24 8011963713243
19 50 24 8011963713175
19 50 24 8011963713250
22 50 20 8011963713182
22 50 20 8011963713267
25 50 20 8011963713199
25 50 20 8011963713274
30 50 10 8011963713205
30 50 10 8011963713281
35 35 6 8011963713212
40 35 6 8011963713229
50 35 3 8011963731698