FITT B-Active Flex

Spiral hose for swimming pool and whirlpool underground pressurized systems; chlorine, crushing and cracking resistant.

Resistant to mechanical stress, thanks to the EVO TECH innovation that further strengthens the spiral (Spiral Protection Barrier technology), FITT B-Active Flex is ideal for embedded pools and spas.


Plasticized PVC hose with rigid PVC reinforcement spiral (D-Shape patent). The spiral is coated with a special film (Spiral Protection Barrier technology). The internal film (Chlorine Defence System patent) protects the hose from chlorine and the resulting acid environment.

In compliance with the UNI EN ISO 3994 current standard.
TÜV Certificate No. B 055285 0012 subject to periodic checks.
European patent No. 2209850 .
Italian patent No. 102016000097951.
European Design no. 3316157.
FCM - Compliant with European Regulation 10/2011 for Simulant A.

High crushing resistance.
High internal and external abrasion resistance.
High micro-organisms and chlorine resistance
High durability.

Externally calibrated for perfect bonding with glued and compression fittings.


FITT B-Active Flex LCA declaration

FITT B-Active Flex LCA declaration

FITT B-Active Flex has been, first in its field of application, subjected to an LCA in accordance with international standards ISO 14040 and ISO 14044, to analyse the impacts associated with the life cycle of the product itself and to compare the different technological alternatives available on the market. FITT carries out analyses of their life cycles in partnership with Centro Studi Qualità e Ambiente (Centre for Quality and Environmental Studies) - CESQA - of the Industrial Engineering Department of the University of Padua .

impact passport

is a Benefit Company

FITT meets high standards of positive environmental and social impact.

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