FITT Drain

Rigid PVC pipe for civil and industrial drains.

Orange PVC pipe according to UNI EN 1329 standard with glue socket based joint for low and high temperature civil and industrial drains.

High performance

High performance in all the applications requiring temperature resistance for non-pressurised fluids (according to EN 1329).

Drain is made using latest generation calcium organic stabilizer (COS) based material, meaning stabilisers free of heavy metals, making the pipe also biocompatible, for a state of the art product also as far as respect of the environment is concerned.

PVC pipes comply with the UNI EN 1329 European standard and are the ideal choice for efficient, economical and durable drainage system. The need to ensure quick drainage and the absence of residues is fully satisfied by the characteristics of PVC pipes, complemented by fire resistance, resistance to rotting and protection against rodents, insects and mould. The UNI EN 1329 standard guarantees excellent performance both inside buildings (type B) and underground within a distance of 1 metre from the same (type BD).

Based on type tests and periodic inspections carried out by Kiwa, Drain (low and high temperature PVC-U drainage pipelines inside the building structure) is considered compliant with the requirements of Technical Document Ki-0410, Annex K04 based on UNI EN 1329:2018, and is therefore Kiwa-UNI marked.

Increased safety by reducing the number of manual handling operations, increased stability of the shipped material by reducing the number of pipes per pallet, significantly reduced time for the manual handling of single pieces (compared to whole pallets) and bundles (compared to single pieces), improved service and increased speed in the preparation and loading of materials.

impact passport

is a Benefit Company

FITT meets high standards of positive environmental and social impact.

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